Summary and Schedule

One of the primary challenges with the utilization of digital datasets in the social sciences is a lack of data literacy skills in collecting data. This includes both data collection from existing data repositories and field-based data collections such as observation data, interviews, and surveys. This module will provide learning materials on both sides to prepare the researchers with data collection skills at beginner, intermediate, and expert levels.

Getting Started

These modules are intended to be hands-on through the use of Jupyter notebooks. No prior experience is assumed in order to use these materials.

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.

Data Sets

Each lesson will provide instructions on where to access and download the relevant datasets.

Software Setup


We will be utilizing Jupyter notebooks for most of the hands-on activities. A public JupyterHub server has been setup for these lessons, where you can login with your institutional credentials. Some of the lessons will require the use of a desktop GIS tool such as QGIS. You can download the version of QGIS for your operating system here.